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You've got questions? We (may) have answers...

What should the make-up of competing teams look like?


Teams should be comprised of the following:


Drive Team - All female team members with the exception of Drive Coach, which may be any gender.


Support Team/ Pit Crew - We STRONGLY recommend that a majority of your support team is comprised of females. We want to encourage girls to take on a hands role in new areas and step outside of their comfort zones to achieve more than they’ve imagined! This event is their chance to experience ALL the aspects of competition!


Outgoing Seniors and incoming Freshman WILL be permitted to play with current team members.


We don’t have enough female team members to compete, how does team merging work?


We want everyone to have a chance to compete! If your team doesn’t have enough female members to compete, consult with teams near you and become one team!

Team merging WILL be permitted under the following conditions:

  1. Two or more teams may merge in order to meet the all female drive team requirement.

  2. If in the event that 2+ teams merge, ONE of the teams must be the “parent team.” The parent team will be responsible for all registration matters, and will be the team of record for all payments and roster responsibilities.

  3. If in the event that a merged team wins, the win will be recorded under the parent teams number, and the team award given to the parent team.

  4. All matters around payment, robot used, etc., are to be made by the parent team. The Goonettes Invitational Committee will leave the selection of competition robot and payment to be determined by the teams involved.


If you have any trouble with team merging, please contact us, so we can try to help you find other teams that also want to merge!


Contact us at: so we can get back to you as soon as possible!


I want to sponsor the event, what are my next steps?


If you would like to sponsor the event, please email us at


As an event sponsor, what will I receive for my donation?


Event sponsors will have the opportunity to set up a vendor booth in the ‘Hands on Hallway.’ They are invited to bring literature and giveaways from their respective organizations, programs, businesses, etc.


All sponsors will be featured on event advertising, including the event’s official website, and certain merchandising. 


Can I sponsor an event award?


Yes! Sponsors may also choose to sponsor an award of their choosing. If willing, sponsors will be asked to determine the award  they would like to sponsor and the guidelines to win the award. They will be provided a list of existing FIRST awards, but are welcome to create their own. The award and its guidelines will go through an approval process by event leadership. Once approved, the sponsor will be asked to send representatives of their organization to be a part of the judging panel that will determine the winners of the awards at the event. If they choose to not send representatives as judges, event leadership will appoint judges or create a system to determine the winner of such awards.


The event leadership strongly encourages judges and representatives of the sponsor organizations to be females in STEM careers in order to continue the spread of the event’s message and purpose and to show young girls the opportunities that they have in future career paths.


I would like to represent my university, college, or organization, what can I do?


Our event is an opportunity for girls to be exposed to ways to further their STEM interests/careers. If you would like to represent your university, college, or organization, please contact us at Once approved, you will be able to set up a table in our ‘Hands on Hallway’ to provide literature, giveaways, and more from your respective organization, college, etc.  


© 2024 by Woodhaven Goon Squad and the Goonettes Invitational

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